كيفية تقليل تخزين النظام على جهاز Mac

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important؛ height: 1px؛ width: 1px؛ overflow: hidden} .stream-title {margin-bottom: 3px؛ font-size: 85٪؛ line-height: 20px؛ color: # a5a5a5؛ display: block} .stream-item { text-align: center؛ position: dynamic؛ z-index: 2؛ margin: 20px 0؛ padding: 0} .stream-item iframe {margin: 0 auto} .stream-item img {max-width: 100٪؛ width : auto؛ height: auto؛ margin: 0 auto؛ display: inline-block؛ vertical-align: middle} .stream-item.stream-item-above-header {margin: 0} .post-layout-8.is- header-layout-1.has-header-ad .entry-header-Outer، body.post-layout-8.has-header-below-ad .entry-header-outside {padding-top: 0} .stream-item -top-wrapper ~ .stream-item-below-header، .is-header-layout-1.has-header-ad.post-layout-6 .featured-area، .has-header-below-ad.post- layout-6. منطقة مميزة {margin-top: 0}.has-header-below-ad .fullwidth-entry-title.container-wrapper، .is-header-layout-1.has-header-ad .fullwidth-entry-title، .is-header-layout-1.has- header-ad .is-first-section، .has-header-below-ad .is-first-section {padding-top: 0؛ margin-top: 0}media (max-width: 991px) {body: not (.is-header-layout-1) .has-header-below-ad.has-header-ad .top-nav-below .has-calling-news {margin-bottom: 20px} .has-header-ad. fullwidth-entry-title.container-wrapper، .has-header-ad.has-header-below-ad .stream-item-below-header، .single.has-header-ad: not (.has-header-below -ad) # content، .page.has-header-ad: not (.has-header-below-ad) #content {margin-top: 0} .has-header-ad .is-first-section {padding- top: 0} .has-header-ad: not (.has-header-below-ad) .buddypress-header-Outer {margin-bottom: 15px}}. header-layout-2 .stream-item-top-wrapper {width: 100٪؛ max-width: 100٪؛ float: no؛ clear:both}media (min-width: 992px) {. header-layout-3 .stream-item-top img {float: right}} @ media (max-width: 991px) {. header-layout-3 .stream- item-top {clear: both}} # background-ad-cover {top: 0؛ left: 0؛ z-index: 0؛ overflow: hidden؛ width: 100٪؛ height: 100٪؛ position: fixed}media (max-width: 768px) {. hide_banner_header .stream-item-above-header، .hide_banner_top .stream-item-top-wrapper، .hide_banner_below_header .stream-item-below-header .hide_banner_bottom. footer و .hide_breaking_news # top-nav و .hide_sidebars .sidebar و. -footer-on-bottom ، .hide_post_newsletter # post-newsletter ، .hide_related # related-posts ، .hide_read_next # read-next-block ، .hide_post_authorbio .post-component. about-author ،.hide_post_nav .prev-next-post-nav، .hide_back_top_button # go-to-top، .hide_read_more_buttons .more-link {display: none! important}} body.tie-no-js .tie-popup، body.tie-no -js a.remove، body.tie-no-js .autocomplete-Suggestions، body.tie-no-js .fa، body.tie-no-js .eather-icon، body.tie-no-js [class ^ = رمز التعادل -] ، body.tie-no-js [class * = "tie-icon -"] ، body.tie-no-js .tooltip ، body.tie-no-js .woocommerce-message ، body. tie-no-js .woocommerce-error، body.tie-no-js .woocommerce-info، body.tie-no-js .bbp-template-note، body.tie-no-js .indicator-hint، body. tie-no-js .menu-counter-bubble-outside، body.tie-no-js .notifications-total-outside، body.tie-no-js .comp-menu، body.tie-no-js. menu-sub-content {display: none! important} body.tie-no-js .weather-icon {visibility: hidden! important} .container {margin-right: auto؛ margin-left: auto؛ padding-left: 15px ؛ المساحة اليمنى: 15 بكسل}.الحاوية: بعد {content: ""؛ display: table؛ clear: both}media (min-width: 768px) {. container {width: 100٪}} @ media (min-width: 1200px) {. container {max -width: 1200px}}. tie-row {margin-left: -15px؛ margin-right: -15px} .tie-row: after {content: ""؛ display: table؛ clear: both} .tie-col- xs-1 ، .tie-col-sm-1 ، .tie-col-md-1 ، .tie-col-xs-2 ، .tie-col-sm-2 ، .tie-col-md-2 ،. tie-col-xs-3 و .tie-col-sm-3 و .tie-col-md-3 و .tie-col-xs-4 و .tie-col-sm-4 و .tie-col-md -4 ، .tie-col-xs-5 ، .tie-col-sm-5 ، .tie-col-md-5 ، .tie-col-xs-6 ، .tie-col-sm-6 ، .tie -col-md-6 و .tie-col-xs-7 و .tie-col-sm-7 و .tie-col-md-7 و .tie-col-xs-8 و .tie-col-sm- 8 ، .tie-col-md-8 ، .tie-col-xs-9 ، .tie-col-sm-9 ، .tie-col-md-9 ، .tie-col-xs-10 ، .tie- col-sm-10 و .tie-col-md-10 و .tie-col-xs-11 و .tie-col-sm-11 و .tie-col-md-11 و .tie-col-xs-12 ، .tie-col-sm-12، .tie-col-md-12 {position: dynamic؛ min-height: 1px؛ padding-left: 15px؛ padding-right: 15px}.tie-col-xs-1 و .tie-col-xs-2 و .tie-col-xs-3 و .tie-col-xs-4 و .tie-col-xs-5 و .tie-col-xs -6 و .tie-col-xs-7 و .tie-col-xs-8 و .tie-col-xs-9 و .tie-col-xs-10 و .tie-col-xs-11 و .tie -col-xs-12 {float: left} .tie-col-xs-1 {width: 8.33333٪}. tie-col-xs-2 {width: 16.66667٪}. tie-col-xs-3 {width: 25٪}. tie-col-xs-4 {width: 33.33333٪}. tie-col-xs-5 {width: 41.66667٪}. tie-col-xs-6 {width: 50٪}. tie-col- xs-7 {width: 58.33333٪}. tie-col-xs-8 {width: 66.66667٪}. tie-col-xs-9 {width: 75٪}. tie-col-xs-10 {width: 83.33333٪ } .tie-col-xs-11 {width: 91.66667٪}. tie-col-xs-12 {width: 100٪} @ media (min-width: 768px) {. tie-col-sm-1، .tie -col-sm-2 و .tie-col-sm-3 و .tie-col-sm-4 و .tie-col-sm-5 و .tie-col-sm-6 و .tie-col-sm- 7 ، .tie-col-sm-8 ، .tie-col-sm-9 ، .tie-col-sm-10 ، .tie-col-sm-11 ، .tie-col-sm-12 {float: left } .tie-col-sm-1 {width: 8.33333٪}. tie-col-sm-2 {width: 16.66667٪}. tie-col-sm-3 {width: 25٪}. tie-col-sm- 4 {width: 33.33333٪}. tie-col-sm-5 {width:41.66667٪}. tie-col-sm-6 {width: 50٪}. tie-col-sm-7 {width: 58.33333٪}. tie-col-sm-8 {width: 66.66667٪}. tie-col- sm-9 {width: 75٪}. tie-col-sm-10 {width: 83.33333٪}. tie-col-sm-11 {width: 91.66667٪}. tie-col-sm-12 {width: 100٪ }} @ media (min-width: 992px) {. tie-col-md-1، .tie-col-md-2، .tie-col-md-3، .tie-col-md-4، .tie -col-md-5 و .tie-col-md-6 و .tie-col-md-7 و .tie-col-md-8 و .tie-col-md-9 و .tie-col-md- 10، .tie-col-md-11، .tie-col-md-12 {float: left} .tie-col-md-1 {width: 8.33333٪}. tie-col-md-2 {width: 16.66667 ٪}. tie-col-md-3 {width: 25٪}. tie-col-md-4 {width: 33.33333٪}. tie-col-md-5 {width: 41.66667٪}. tie-col-md -6 {width: 50٪}. tie-col-md-7 {width: 58.33333٪}. tie-col-md-8 {width: 66.66667٪}. tie-col-md-9 {width: 75٪} .tie-col-md-10 {width: 83.33333٪}. tie-col-md-11 {width: 91.66667٪}. tie-col-md-12 {width: 100٪}}. tie-alignleft {float: يسار} .tie-alignright {float: right} .tie-aligncenter {clear: both؛ margin-left: auto؛margin-right: auto} .fullwidth {width: 100٪! important} .alignleft {float: left؛ margin: .375em 1.75em 1em 0} .alignright {float: right؛ margin: .375em 0 1em 1.75em} .aligncenter {clear: both؛ display: block؛ margin: 0 auto 1.75em؛ text-align: center؛ margin-left: auto؛ margin-right: auto؛ margin-top: 6px؛ margin-bottom: 6px}media (max -width: 767px) {. alignright، .alignleft {float: none؛ clear: both؛ display: block؛ margin: 0 auto 1.75em}}. clearfix: before، .clearfix: after {content: "\ 0020"؛ display : block؛ height: 0؛ overflow: hidden}. clearfix: بعد {clear: both} .clearfix {zoom: 1} .tie-container، # tie-wrapper {height: 100٪؛ min-height: 650px} .tie -container {position: dynamic؛ overflow: hidden} # tie-wrapper {background: #fff؛ position: النسبي؛ z-index: 108؛ height: 100٪؛ margin: 0 auto} .container-wrapper {background: #fff ؛ border: 1px solid rgba (0،0،0، .1)؛ border-radius: 2px؛ padding: 30px} #content {margin-top:30px}media (max-width: 991px) {# content {margin-top: 15px}}. site-content {-ms-word-wrap: break-word؛ word-wrap: break-word} .boxed-layout # tie-wrapper، .boxed-layout .fixed-nav {max-width: 1230px} .boxed-layout.wrapper-has-shadow # tie-wrapper {box-shadow: 0 1px 7px rgba (171،171،171، .5)} media (min-width: 992px) {. boxed-layout # main-nav.fixed-nav، .boxed-layout # tie-wrapper {width: 95٪}} @ media (min-width: 992px) {. Framed -layout # tie-wrapper {margin-top: 25px؛ margin-bottom: 25px}} @ media (min-width: 992px) {. border-layout # tie-container {margin: 25px} .border-layout: after، .border-layout: before {background: inherit؛ content: ""؛ display: block؛ height: 25px؛ left: 0؛ bottom: 0؛ position: fixed؛ width: 100٪؛ z-index: 110} .border- التخطيط: قبل {top: 0؛ bottom: auto} .border-layout.admin-bar: before {top: 32px} .border-layout # main-nav.fixed-nav {left: 25px؛ right: 25px؛ width: calc (100٪ - 50px)}}.theme-header {background: #fff؛ position: النسبي؛ z-index: 999} .theme-header: after {content: ""؛ display: table؛ clear: both} .theme-header.has-shadow {box- shadow: 0 0 10px 5px rgba (0،0،0، .1)}. theme-header.top-nav-below .top-nav {z-index: 8} .logo-row {position: dynamic} .logo -container {overflow: hidden} #logo {margin-top: 40px؛ margin-bottom: 40px؛ display: block؛ float: left} #logo img {vertical-align: middle} #logo img [src * = '. svg '] {width: 100٪! important} #logo a {display: inline-block} #logo .h1-off {position: absolute؛ top: -9000px؛ left: -9000px} # logo.text-logo a {color : # 08f} # logo.text-logo a: hover {color: # 006dcc؛ opacity: .8} .logo-text {font-size: 50px؛ line-height: 50px؛ font-weight: 700}media ( max-width: 670px) {. logo-text {font-size: 30px}}. logo_2x {display: none}media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2)، only screen and ( دقيقة - نسبة البكسل للجهاز: 2) ،الشاشة فقط و (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1) ، الشاشة فقط و (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) ، الشاشة فقط و (min-Resolution: 192dpi) ، الشاشة فقط و ( min-Resolution: 2dppx) {. logo_normal {display: none} .logo_2x {display: inline-block}}. header-layout-2 #logo {float: none؛ text-align: center} .head-layout-2 # logo img {margin-right: auto؛ margin-left: auto} .header-layout-2 .logo-container {width: 100٪} @ media (max-width: 991px) {# theme-header #logo {margin: 10px 0! important؛ text-align: left؛ line-height: 1} # theme-header #logo img {width: auto؛ max-width: 190px}} @ media (max-width: 479px) {# theme-header #logo img {max-width: 140px؛ max-height: 60px! important}} @ media (max-width: 991px) {# theme-header.mobile-header-centered #logo {float: none؛ text-align: center}}. المكونات {float: right} .components> li {position: نسبي ؛ float: right؛ list-style: none} .components> li.social-icons-item {margin:0} .components> li> a {display: block؛ position: dynamic؛ width: 30px؛ text-align: center؛ line-height: inherit؛ font-size: 14px؛ color: # 777} .components> li> a : hover، .components> li: hover> a {color: # 08f؛ z-index: 2} .components .avatar {border-radius: 100٪؛ position: النسبي؛ top: 4px؛ max-width: 20px}. المكونات a.follow-btn {width: auto؛ padding-left: 15px؛ padding-right: 15px؛ overflow: hidden} .components .follow-btn [class * = fa -] {font-size: 13px} .components. Follow-btn .follow-text {font-size: 12px؛ margin-left: 8px؛ display: block؛ float: right} .components. search-bar {width: auto؛ border: solid rgba (0،0،0، .1)؛ border-width: 0 1px} .components #search {position: dynamic؛ background: 0} .components # search-input {border: 0؛ margin-bottom: 0؛ line-height: inherit؛ width: 100٪ ؛ الخلفية: 0 0 ؛ المساحة المتروكة: 0 35 بكسل 0 13 بكسل ؛ نصف قطر الحدود: 0 ؛ تحجيم الصندوق: مربع الحدود ؛ حجم الخط: وراثة}.المكونات # search-input: hover {background: rgba (0،0،0، .03)}. component # search-input: focus {background: rgba (0،0،0، .03)؛ box-shadow: none } .components # search-submit {position: absolute؛ right: 0؛ top: 0؛ width: 40px؛ line-height: inherit؛ color: # 777؛ background: 0 0؛ font-size: 15px؛ padding: 0؛ الانتقال: color .15s} .components # search-submit: hover {color: # 08f} # search-submit .fa-spinner {color: # 555؛ cursor: default} .top-nav-boxed .components li: first- child.weather-menu-item، .main-nav-boxed .components li: first-child.weather-menu-item، .components. search-bar + .eather-menu-item {padding-right: 10px} .weather- عنصر القائمة {display: flex؛ align-items: center؛ padding-right: 5px؛ overflow: hidden} .weather-menu-item: after {content: 't'؛ visibility: hidden؛ width: 0} .weather- menu-item .weather-wrap {padding: 0؛ overflow: ورث؛ line-height: 23px} .weather-menu-item .weather-Forecast-day {display:block؛ float: left؛ width: auto؛ padding: 0 10px؛ line-height: initial} .weather-menu-item .weather-Forecast-day .weather-icon {font-size: 26px؛ margin-bottom: 0} .weather-menu-item .city-data {float: left؛ display: block؛ font-size: 12px} .weather-menu-item .weather-current-temp {font-size: 16px؛ font-weight: 400} .weather-menu-item .weather-current-temp sup {font-size: 9px؛ top: -2px} .weather-menu-item .theme-note {padding: 0 10px} .components .tie-weather-widget { color: # 2c2f34} .main-nav-dark .main-nav .tie-weather-widget {color: #fff} .top-nav-dark .top-nav .tie-weather-widget {color: #aaa}. المكونات .icon-basecloud-bg: بعد {color: #fff} .main-nav-dark .main-nav .icon-basecloud-bg: بعد {color: # 1f2024} .top-nav-dark .top-nav. icon-basecloud-bg: after {color: # 27292d} .header-layout-1 # menu-element-wrap {display: flex؛ justify-content: flex-end}media (max-width: 991px) {.header-layout-1 # main-nav [class * = tie-col-md] {float: left؛ width: auto}}. header-layout-1 .main-menu-wrapper {display: table؛ width: 100٪ } .header-layout-1 #logo {line-height: 1؛ float: left؛ margin-top: 20px؛ margin-bottom: 20px} .header-layout-1 .header-layout-1-logo {display: table -cell؛ vertical-align: middle؛ float: none} .header-layout-1 # mobile-menu-icon {right: 0} .header-layout-2 # menu-element-wrap {display: flex؛ justify-content : center} .is-header-bg-extended # theme-header، .is-header-bg-extension # theme-header.header-layout-1 # main-nav: not (.fixed-nav) {background: 0 0! important؛ display: inline-block! important؛ width: 100٪! important؛ box-shadow: none! important؛ transfer: background .3s} .is-header-bg-extended # theme-header: before، .is -header-bg-extension # theme-header.header-layout-1 # main-nav: not (.fixed-nav): قبل {content: ""؛ position: المطلق؛ width: 100٪؛ left: 0؛يمين: 0؛ أعلى: 0؛ ارتفاع: 150 بكسل؛ صورة الخلفية: تدرج خطي (أسفل ، شفاف ، rgba (0،0،0، .5))} @ media (max-width: 991px) {. is- header-bg-extend # tie-wrapper # theme-header .logo-container: not (.fixed-nav) {background: 0 0؛ box-shadow: none؛ transfer: background .3s}}. is-header-bg -extended .has-background .is-first-section {margin-top: -350px! important} .is-header-bg-extended .has-background .is-first-section> * {padding-top: 350px! }. خط قوس قزح {height: 3px؛ width: 100٪؛ position: النسبي؛ z-index: 2؛ background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient (left، # f76570 0٪، # f76570 8٪، # f3a46b 8٪، # f3a46b 16٪، # f3a46b 16٪، # ffd205 16٪، # ffd205 24٪، # ffd205 24٪، # 1bbc9b 24٪، # 1bbc9b 25٪، # 1bbc9b 32٪، # 14b9d5 32٪، # 14b9d5 40٪، # c377e4 40٪، # c377e4 48٪، # f76570 48٪، # f76570 56٪، # f3a46b 56٪، # f3a46b 64٪، # ffd205 64٪، # ffd205 72٪، # 1bbc9b 72٪، # 1bbc9b 80٪ ، # 14b9d5 80٪ ، # 14b9d5 80٪ ، # 14b9d5 89٪ ،# c377e4 89٪ ، # c377e4 100٪) ؛ صورة الخلفية: تدرج خطي (إلى اليمين ، # f76570 0٪ ، # f76570 8٪ ، # f3a46b 8٪ ، # f3a46b 16٪ ، # f3a46b 16٪ ، # ffd205 16 ٪، # ffd205 24٪، # ffd205 24٪، # 1bbc9b 24٪، # 1bbc9b 25٪، # 1bbc9b 32٪، # 14b9d5 32٪، # 14b9d5 40٪، # c377e4 40٪، # c377e4 48٪، # f76570 48 ٪، # f76570 56٪، # f3a46b 56٪، # f3a46b 64٪، # ffd205 64٪، # ffd205 72٪، # 1bbc9b 72٪، # 1bbc9b 80٪، # 14b9d5 80٪، # 14b9d5 80٪، # 14b9d5 89 ٪، # c377e4 89٪، # c377e4 100٪)}. top-nav {background-color: #fff؛ position: dynamic؛ z-index: 10؛ line-height: 35px؛ border: 1px solid rgba (0،0 ، 0، .1)؛ border-width: 1px 0؛ color: # 2c2f34} .main-nav-below.top-nav-above .top-nav {border-top-width: 0} .top-nav a: not (.button): not (: hover) {color: # 2c2f34} .top-nav .components> li: hover> a {color: # 08f} .topbar-wrapper {display: flex؛ min-height: 35px} .top-nav.has-menu .topbar-wrapper، .top-nav.has-Components .topbar-wrapper {display: block} .top-nav .tie-alignleft ،.top-nav .tie-alignleft {flex-Grow: 1؛ position: النسبي} .top-nav.has-calling-news .tie-alignleft {flex: 1 0 100px} .top-nav.has-calling-news. tie-alignright {flex-Grow: 0؛ z-index: 1} .top-nav.has-date-components .tie-alignleft .components> li: first-child: not (.search-bar) ،. top- nav.has-date-element-menu .components> li: first-child: not (.search-bar) ،. top-nav-boxed .top-nav.has-components.components> li: first-child: not (.search-bar) {border-width: 0}media (min-width: 992px) {. header-layout-1.top-nav-below: not (.has-shadow) .top-nav {border- العرض: 0 0 1px}}. topbar-today-date {float: left؛ padding-right: 15px؛ font-size: 11px؛ flex-shrink: 0} .topbar-today-date: before {content: "\ f017 "} .top-menu .menu a {padding: 0 10px} .top-menu .menu li: hover> a {color: # 08f} .top-menu .menu ul {display: none؛ position: absolute؛ background: #fff}. القائمة العلوية. menu li: hover>ul {display: block} .top-menu .menu li {position: النسبي} .top-menu .menu ul.sub-menu a {width: 180px؛ line-height: 20px؛ padding: 7px 15px} .tie-alignright .top-menu {float: right؛ border-width: 0 1px} .top-menu .menu .tie-current-menu> a {color: # 08f}media (min-width: 992px) {. top-nav -boxed .top-nav {background: 0 0! important؛ border-width: 0} .top-nav-boxed .topbar-today-date {padding: 0 15px} .top-nav-boxed .top-nav {background : 0 0؛ border-width: 0} .top-nav-boxed .topbar-wrapper {background: #fff؛ border: 1px solid rgba (0،0،0، .1)؛ border-width: 0 1px 1px؛ العرض: 100٪}. top-nav-boxed.main-nav-above.top-nav-below: not (.header-layout-1) .topbar-wrapper {border-width: 1px} .top-nav-boxed .has-shadow.top-nav-below .topbar-wrapper، .top-nav-boxed.has-shadow.top-nav-below-main-nav .topbar-wrapper {border-width: 1px 1px 0! important} .top-nav-boxed.main-nav-below.top-nav-below-main-nav.has-calling-news .topbar-wrapper {border-left-width: 0! important} .top-nav-boxed .has-menu .topbar-wrapper، .top-nav-boxed .has-components .topbar-wrapper { border-width: 0 1px 1px} .top-nav-boxed .tie-alignright. search-bar {border-right-width: 0} .top-nav-boxed .tie-alignleft. search-bar {border-left- العرض: 0} .top-nav-boxed .has-date-components .tie-alignleft .search-bar، .top-nav-boxed .has-date-element-menu .tie-alignleft .search-bar {border- left-width: 1px}}. top-nav .tie-alignleft .components، .top-nav .tie-alignleft .components> li {float: left} .top-nav .tie-alignleft .comp-sub-menu { right: auto؛ left: -1px} .top-nav-dark .top-nav {background-color: # 2c2e32؛ color: #aaa} .top-nav-dark # top-nav، .top-nav-dark # top-nav .topbar-wrapper {border-width: 0} .top-nav-dark .top-nav * {border-color: rgba (255،255،255، .1)}. top-nav-dark .top-nav .breaking أ {اللون: #aaa}.top-nav-dark .top-nav .breaking a: hover {color: #fff} .top-nav-dark .top-nav .components> li> a، .top-nav-dark .top-navponents> li.social-icons-item .social-link: not (: hover) span {color: #aaa} .top-nav-dark .top-nav .components> li: hover> a {color: #fff} .top -nav-dark .top-nav .top-menu li a {color: #aaa؛ border-color: rgba (255،255،255، .04)}. top-nav-dark .top-menu ul {background: # 2c2e32}. top-nav-dark .top-menu li: hover> a {background: rgba (0،0،0، .1)؛ color: # 08f} .top-nav-dark.top-nav-boxed .top-nav {background-color: transparent} .op-nav-dark.top-nav-boxed .topbar-wrapper {background-color: # 2c2e32} .top-nav-dark.top-nav-boxed.top-nav-above. main-nav-below .topbar-wrapper {border-width: 0}media (max-width: 991px) {. top-nav: not (.has-calling-news) ،. topbar-today-date، .top -menu، .theme-header .components {display: none} .is-header-layout-1 .top-nav-below .top-nav.has-calling-news {border-top-width: 0}}. break {float: left؛ width: 100٪؛ height: 35px؛ line-height: 35px} .breaking-title {padding: 0 10px؛ display: block ؛ float: left؛ color: #fff؛ font-size: 12px؛ position: dynamic} .breaking-title span {position: dynamic؛ z-index: 1} .breaking-title span.fa {display: none}media (max-width: 600px) {. break-title span.fa {display: inline-block} .breaking-title .breaking-title-text {display: none}}. break-title: before {content: ""؛ الخلفية: # f05555 ؛ العرض: 100٪ ؛ الارتفاع: 100٪ ؛ الموضع: مطلق ؛ اليسار: 0 ؛ أعلى: 0 ؛ z-index: 0}. أخبار عاجلة {display: none} .ticker-wrapper.has-js {margin: 0؛ padding: 0؛ height: 35px؛ display: block؛ overflow: hidden؛ position: النسبي؛ padding-right: 20px}media (min-width: 480px) {. controls-is-active .ticker- wrapper.has-js {padding-right: 70px}}. ticker {width: 100٪؛ height: 35px؛ display: block؛ position: dynamic؛ overflow: hidden}.شريط المحتوى {display: none؛ left: 10px؛ line-height: 35px؛ position: Absolute؛ background-color: #fff؛ overflow: hidden؛ white-space: nowrap؛ word-wrap: normal؛ text-overflow: ellipsis ؛ max-width: calc (100٪ - 10px)؛ width: auto} .top-nav-dark .ticker-content {background-color: # 2c2e32} .ticker-content: focus {outline: none} .ticker-content .is-paused {التحويل: لا شيء! مهم}. انتقاد التحديد {position: Absolute؛ top: 0؛ left: 10px؛ display: block؛ width: calc (100٪ - 10px)؛ height: 35px} .ticker-swipe span {margin-left: 1px؛ height: 35px؛ width: 7px؛ display: block} .ticker-swipe span: after {content: "_"}. ticker-content، .ticker-swipe {background-color: #fff } .top-nav-dark .ticker-content، .top-nav-dark .ticker-swipe، .box-dark-skin .ticker-content، .box-dark-skin .ticker-swipe {background-color: # 2c2e32} .breaking-news-nav {position: Absolute؛ right: 0؛ padding-right: 8px؛ list-style-type: none؛ height:رأس 35px}: not (.top-nav-boxed) .has-calling .breaking-news-nav {padding: 0}media (max-width: 479px) {. calling-news-nav {display: none}} .breaking-news-nav li {padding: 0؛ margin: 6px 0 6px 7px؛ float: left؛ cursor: pointer؛ height: 21px؛ width: 21px؛ display: block؛ line-height: 19px؛ text-align: center ؛ border-radius: 2px؛ border: 1px solid rgba (0،0،0، .1)؛ transfer: .3s} .box-dark-skin .breaking-news-nav li، .top-nav-dark .breaking -news-nav li {border-color: rgba (255،255،255، .1)}. broken-news-nav li: after {opacity: .8؛ display: inline-block؛ content: "\ f04c"؛ font-family: "Fontawesome"}. calling-news-nav li: hover {background-color: # f05555؛ border-color: # f05555؛ color: #fff} .breaking-news-nav li: hover: after {opacity: 1}. break-news-nav li.jnt-prev: بعد {content: "\ f104"}. calling-news-nav li.jnt-next: after {content: "\ f105"}. up-down-controls.break-news-nav li: after {transform: rotate (90deg)}. ticker-dir-left .ticker-content، .ticker-dir-left .ticker {float: left} .ticker-dir-right .ticker-content ، .ticker-dir-right .ticker {float: right} .main-nav-wrapper {position: dynamic؛ z-index: 4} .main-nav-below.top-nav-below-main-nav .main- nav-wrapper {z-index: 9} .main-nav-above.top-nav-below .main-nav-wrapper {z-index: 10} .main-nav {position: dynamic؛ border: 1px solid rgba ( 0،0،0، .1)؛ border-width: 1px 0} .main-menu-wrapper {border: 0 solid rgba (0،0،0، .1)؛ position: dynamic}media (min-width : 992px) {. header-menu {float: left} .header-menu .menu li {display: block؛ float: left} .header-menu .menu a {display: block؛ position: النسبي} .header-menu. menu .sub-menu a {padding: 8px 10px} .header-menu .menu a: hover، .header-menu .menu li: hover> a {z-index: 2} .header-menu .menu ul {box- الظل: 0 2px 5px rgba (0،0،0، .1)}. header-menu.menu ul li {position: النسبي} .header-menu .menu ul a {border-width: 0 0 1px؛ transfer: .15s} .header-menu .menu ul {padding-top: 0؛ top: 0؛ left : 100٪} # main-nav {z-index: 9؛ line-height: 60px} .top-nav-below-main-nav # main-nav .main-menu> ul> li، .header-layout-1 .top-nav-below # main-nav .main-menu> ul> li {border-bottom: 0؛ margin-bottom: 0} .main-menu .menu a {transfer: .15s} .main-menu .menu > li> a {padding: 0 14px؛ font-size: 13px؛ font-weight: 600} .main-menu .menu> li> .menu-sub-content {border-top: 2px solid # 08f} .main- menu .menu> li.tie-current-menu {border-bottom: 5px solid # 08f؛ margin-bottom: -5px} .main-menu .menu> li.tie-current-menu> a: after {content: " "؛ العرض: 20 بكسل ؛ الارتفاع: 2 بكسل ؛ الموضع: مطلق ؛ أعلى الهامش: 17 بكسل ؛ يسار: 50٪ ؛ أعلى: 50٪ ؛ أسفل: تلقائي ؛ يمين: تلقائي ؛ تحويل: translateX (-50٪) translateY (-50 ٪) ؛ الخلفية: # 2c2f34 ؛ الانتقال: .3s}. القائمة الرئيسية.menu> li.is-icon-only> a {padding: 0 20px؛ line-height: inherit} .main-menu .menu> li.is-icon-only> a: after، .main-menu .menu> li .is-icon-only> a: before {display: none} .main-menu .menu> li.is-icon-only> a .fa {font-size: 160٪؛ transform: translateY (15٪)}. القائمة الرئيسية. القائمة ul {line-height: 20px؛ z-index: 1} .main-menu .menu .sub-menu .fa، .main-menu .menu .mega-recent-Featured-list .fa ،. القائمة الرئيسية .menu .mega-link-column .fa، .main-menu .menu .mega-cat-more-links .fa {width: 20px} .main-menu .menu-sub-content {display: none؛ المساحة المتروكة: 0 ؛ العرض: 200 بكسل ؛ الموضع: مطلق ؛ مربع الظل: 0 2px 2px rgba (0،0،0، .15)}. main-menu .menu-sub-content a {width: 200px} .main- menu ul li: hover> .menu-sub-content، .main-menu ul li [aria-expand = true]> ul، .main-menu ul li [aria-expand = true]>. mega-menu-block { display: block؛ z-index: 1} nav.main-nav. menu> li.tie-current-menu> a ، nav.main-nav .menu> li: hover> a {background-color: # 08f؛ color: #fff} .header-layout-1 .main-menu-wrap .menu> li: only-child: not (.mega- menu) {position: النسبي} .header-layout-1 .main-menu-wrap .menu> li: only-child> .menu-sub-content {right: 0؛ left: auto} .head-layout-1. main-menu-wrap .menu> li: only-child> .menu-sub-content ul {left: auto؛ right: 100٪} nav.main-nav .components> li> a: not (.follow-btn) {width: 35px} nav.main-nav .components> li: hover> a {color: # 08f} .main-nav-dark .main-nav {background: # 1f2024؛ border-width: 0} .main-nav -dark .main-nav .search-bar {border-color: rgba (255،255،255، .07)}. main-nav-dark .main-nav. components> li> a {color: #fff} .main-nav- dark .main-nav .components> li.social-icons-item .social-link: not (: hover) span {color: #fff} .main-nav-dark .main-nav.fixed-nav {background-color : rgba (31،32،36، .95)}. main-nav-dark. main-list.menu> li a {color: #fff} .main-nav-dark .main-menu .menu ul li: hover> a، .main-nav-dark. menu .main. ul li.current-menu-item: ليس (.mega-link-column)> {color: # 08f} .main-nav-dark .main-menu .menu-sub-content {background: # 1f2024؛ color: #fff} .main-nav-dark .main-menu .menu ul a، .main-nav-dark .main-menu .mega-cat-wrapper، .main-nav-dark .mega-cat-more-links> li a {border-color: rgba ( 255،255،255، .04)}. main-nav-dark .mega-recent-features-list: after {background: rgba (0،0،0، .08)}. main-nav-dark.main-nav-boxed. main-nav .main-menu-wrapper {background-color: # 1f2024} .main-nav-dark .cats-vertical، .main-nav-dark ul.cats -orizontal li a {background: rgba (0،0، 0، .2)}. main-nav-dark ul.cats -orizontal li a {border: none} .main-nav-dark ul.cats-vertical li a.is-active، .main-nav-dark ul. cats-vertical li a: hover {background: # 1f2024} .main-nav-light .main-nav {background-color:#fff؛ color: # 2c2f34} .main-nav-light .main-nav. menu-sub-content {background: #fff} .main-nav-light .main-nav .menu ul li: hover> a ،. main-nav-light .main-nav. components li a: hover، .main-nav-light .main-nav .menu ul li.current-menu-item: not (.mega-link-column)> a {color : # 08f} .main-nav-light .main-nav .menu a، .main-nav-light .main-nav. components li a {color: # 2c2f34} .main-nav-light .main-nav. components li a.button: hover، .main-nav-light .main-nav .components li a.checkout-button {color: #fff} .main-nav-light .main-nav.fixed-nav {background-color: rgba (255،255،255، .95)}. main-nav-light. cats-vertical {background: rgba (0،0،0، .03)}. main-nav-light ul.cats-vertical li a.is-active ، .main-nav-light ul.cats-vertical li a: hover {background: #fff} .main-nav-light .mega-menu .post-meta، .main-nav-light .mega-menu .post- meta a: not (: hover) {color: rgba (0،0،0 ،.5)} # sticky-logo {overflow: hidden؛ float: left؛ vertical-align: middle} # sticky-logo a {line-height: 1؛ display: inline-block} # sticky-logo img {position: النسبي؛ vertical-align: middle؛ padding: 8px 10px؛ top: -1px؛ max-height: 50px} .just-before-sticky # sticky-logo img، .header-layout-1 # sticky-logo img {padding: 0} .header-layout-1: not (.has-custom-sticky-logo) # sticky-logo {display: none} .theme-header # sticky-logo img {opacity: 0؛ visibility: hidden؛ width: 0! ؛ تحويل: translateY (75٪) ؛ الانتقال: التحويل .3s cubic-bezier (.55،0، .1،1)، opacity .6s cubic-bezier (.55،0، .1،1)}. theme- header.header-layout-1: not (.has-custom-sticky-logo) # sticky-logo img {transfer: none} .theme-header: not (.header-layout-1) # main-nav: not ( .fixed-nav) # sticky-logo img {margin-left: -20px} .header-layout-1 .flex-placeholder {flex-Grow: 1}} @ media (max-width: 991px) {# sticky-logo {عرض لا شيء}}.theme-header .fixed-nav {position: fixed؛ width: 100٪؛ top: 0؛ bottom: auto! important؛ z-index: 100؛ will-change: transform؛ transform: translateY (-100٪)؛ transfer: تحويل .3s ؛ box-shadow: 0 4px 2px -2px rgba (0،0،0، .1)؛ border-width: 0؛ background-color: rgba (255،255،255، .95)}. theme-header. fixed- nav: not (.just-before-sticky) {line-height: 60px! important}media (min-width: 992px) {. theme-header .fixed-nav: not (.just-before-sticky) .header -layout-1-logo {display: none}}. theme-header .fixed-nav: not (.just-before-sticky) # sticky-logo img {opacity: 1؛ visibility: visual؛ width: auto! important؛ convert: translateY (0)} @ media (min-width: 992px) {. header-layout-1: not (.just-before-sticky): not (.has-custom-sticky-logo) .fixed-nav # sticky-logo {display: block}}. admin-bar .theme-header .fixed-nav {top: 32px}media (max-width: 782px) {. admin-bar .theme-header .fixed-nav {top :46px}} @ media (max-width: 600px) {. admin-bar .theme-header .fixed-nav {top: 0}} @ media (min-width: 992px) {. border-layout .theme-header. Fixed-nav {top: 25px} .border-layout.admin-bar .theme-header .fixed-nav {top: 57px}}. theme-header .fixed-nav .container {opacity: .95} .theme-header .fixed-nav .main-menu-wrapper، .theme-header .fixed-nav .main-menu {border-top: 0} .theme-header .fixed-nav.fixed-unpinned: not (.default-Conduct- mode) .main-menu .menu> li.tie-current-menu {border-bottom-width: 0؛ margin-bottom: 0} .theme-header .fixed-nav.unpinned-no-transfer {transfer: none} .theme-header .fixed-pinned، .theme-header .default-Conduct-mode.fixed-unpinned {transform: translate3d (0،0،0)} @ media (max-width: 991px) {. theme-header. fixed-nav.logo-container.sticky-up، .fixed-nav.logo-container.sticky-nav-slide.sticky-down، .fixed-nav # main-nav.sticky -فوق،.Fixed-nav # main-nav.sticky-nav-slide.sticky-down {transfer: transform .4s easy} .sticky-type-slide .fixed-nav.logo-container.sticky-nav-slide-visual، .sticky -type-slide .fixed-nav # main-nav.sticky-nav-slide-visual {transform: translateY (0)}. fixed-nav.default-Conduct-mode {transform: none! important}} @ media (min -width: 992px) {. main-nav-boxed .main-nav {border-width: 0} .main-nav-boxed .main-menu-wrapper {float: left؛ width: 100٪}. main-nav- boxed .main-menu-wrapper .search-bar {border-right-width: 0} .main-nav-boxed.main-nav-light .main-menu-wrapper {border-width: 1px؛ background-color: # fff} .dark-skin .main-nav-boxed.main-nav-light .main-menu-wrapper {border-width: 0} .main-nav-boxed.main-nav-light .fixed-nav .main- menu-wrapper {border-color: transparent} .main-nav-above.top-nav-above # main-nav: not (.fixed-nav) {top: -1px} .main-nav-below.top-nav -below # main-nav: لا (.fix-nav) {bottom: -1px} .dark-skin .main-nav-below.top-nav-above # main-nav {border-width: 0} .dark-skin .main-nav-below.top- nav-below-main-nav # main-nav {border-top-width: 0}}. main-nav-boxed .main-nav: not (.fixed-nav) ،. main-nav-boxed .fixed-nav .main-menu-wrapper، .theme-header: not (.main-nav-boxed) .fixed-nav .main-menu-wrapper {background-color: transparent! important}media (min-width: 992px) { .header-layout-1.main-nav-below.top-nav-above .main-nav {margin-top: -1px} .header-layout-1.main-nav-below.top-nav-above .top -nav {border-top-width: 0} .header-layout-1.main-nav-below.top-nav-above .breaking-title {top: 0؛ margin-bottom: -1px}}. header-layout -1.main-nav-below.top-nav-below-main-nav .main-nav-wrapper {z-index: 9} .header-layout-1.main-nav-below.top-nav-below- main-nav .main-nav {margin-bottom: -1px؛ bottom: 0؛ border-top-width: 0}media (min-width: 992px) {. header-layout-1.main-nav-below.top-nav-below-main-nav .top-nav {margin-top: -1px}}. header-layout-1.has-shadow: not (.top-nav-below) .main -nav {border-bottom: 0! 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Mac is often the most popular choice for users who are looking to buy a computer for productivity and portability. However, a recent issue bought to light by Mac users was how their system storage was taking up more space than normal and it was causing storage shortage for the users.

In this article, we will be reducing the system storage by getting rid of some unnecessary things and reconfiguring some settings. Make sure to follow accurately until the end.

Clearing System Storage on a macOS

We will be approaching this task in a step by step manner so follow through all the steps carefully in order to be able to reduce system storage on your device.

  • 1. Check System Storage on Mac
  • 2. Free Up Space on your Mac
  • 3. Delete iTunes Backup
  • 4. Delete iTunes Movies
  • 5. Clear Downloads Folder
  • 6. Clear Trash Folder

1. Check System Storage on Mac

Firstly, we have to identify the reason why our Mac’s system storage is taking such a huge chunk of space. For that, we will have to see what space is being distributed. In order to do that:

  1. Launch your Mac and click on the “Apple Menu”.
  2. Select the “About this Mac” option and click on the “Storage” option.
  3. The windows will now display that it is calculating the storage distribution.
  4. Wait for the calculation to end and it will show you a colored representation of the distribution of space.
  5. Space taken by “System” will be highlighted in grey.
  6. The initial storage space taken by the System according to this indicator will be larger than the actual one because although it shows that the calculation is done, it is still calculating the minute distribution of space in the background.
  7. Now one by one it will start scanning the system folders and identify them properly on the screen. You have to wait for at least 5 minutes before it is done calculating.
  8. Now the bar will show a more accurate distribution of the Storage space and you will observe that the iCloud Drive is also taking a big proportion of your space.

2. Free Up Space on your Mac

Now that we know the actual distribution of the storage space on your Mac, you can individually go to those folders and delete unnecessary files. But, if you want some general ways to free up some space, follow the guide below.

3. Delete iTunes Backup

iTunes backs up your files every once in a while and it is constantly stored on your HDD no matter how old it gets. Therefore, in this step, we will be deleting all iTunes’ backups. Make sure to refrain from deleting any backups that are more recent and that you might use.

  1. Launch iTunes and click on the “iTunes” button on the top left corner.
  2. Select “Preferences” from the list and click on “Devices”.
  3. This will now show all the backups for your user account.
  4. Press “Ctrl” and click on any backup in the list.
  5. Select the “Show in Finder” option from the list and their storage location will be opened.
  6. Now you will see all the backups listed with random numbers in the “Backups” folders and you can easily identify and delete them.
  7. We recommend that you delete all of these that you don’t require anymore because they take a huge chunk of space.

4. Delete iTunes Movies

If you downloaded a particular movie and have watched it, you probably won’t need it again. Therefore, it is recommended that you delete all watched movies from iTunes as this will probably free up a lot of space.

5. Clear Downloads Folder

Another place that you can look for useless data is the download folder. You probably downloaded some files and either installed them or copied them to another folder but the original files might still be taking up space in the downloads folder. Therefore, it is advised to clear the downloads folder and delete all unnecessary files from it.

6. Clear Trash Folder

From the Doc, open the Trash folder and delete all files from it that you don’t want to recover. This will clear a lot of space if you have been hoarding files in the trash instead of completely removing them from the computer.

In a similar way, you can clear unused applications, old pictures, videos, and other data from your Mac to increase free space. Beware not to delete any important system files in hope of clearing space because it will damage your operating system and you might not be able to boot again.